Letter Lesson 7
Letter/Lesson #7
Dear Member,
in Letter/Lesson #5 (the “FRUITY” one) we developed a very simple three-step plan to prevent your child from overeating, especially counterfeit/fast foods.
Let’s Enhance Step Two of the Plan
Help your baby discover the wonderful power of one of the real Genesis 1:29 foods—FRUITS.
“Then God said, ‘I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed it. They will be yours for food.’” (Genesis 1:29 NIV)
Now let’s add other Genesis 1:29 foods—raw, fresh VEGETABLES and GREENS. I purposely focused only on fruit in Letter/Lesson #5 because serving and eating fruit is so simple. And because fruit tastes so sweet and good, eating fruit can very easily become a permanent part of your child’s life. Veggies and greens, on the other hand, are more challenging but not any less important.
Why Don’t People Eat More Vegetables and Greens?
It’s the same reason they don’t eat more fruits. Most people weren’t raised and “trained” to “go” that way! Then by the time these people are adults, raw veggies or greens aren’t considered real food. Maybe it was the counterfeit food guys who gave raw vegetables and greens the name “salad” so they could get kids to eat more counterfeit foods. Most of us have been led to believe that salad is what you eat before the real meal is served. Yet in Genesis 1:29 God said He has given us raw vegetables as food, too. Is God wrong? No, God is never wrong! Raw veggies and greens are loaded with God-given nutrients and organic water. As in the case of fruits, raw veggies and greens are very easy to digest, and they have a tremendous amount of enzymes. Only raw plant foods have enzymes!
What’s So Great about Enzymes?
Enzymes help the body digest food rapidly and transfer this food into living tissue. Enzymes make food more efficient, thereby aiding the digestion of even counterfeit/fast foods. Vegetables and greens offer enzymes, and like fruit enzymes, help burn the calories of counterfeit/fast foods rather than letting them be stored as fat. Genesis 1:29 foods are loaded with enzymes!
Doesn’t It Make Sense to Add Raw Veggies and Greens to the Strategy?
Eating raw, fresh vegetables and greens will help your child develop even more power to control the appetite, making that control second nature, and insuring that he or she won’t have to go through the mind-over-body battle about appetite and the quantity of food consumed.
Do You See the Value?
Raw vegetables and greens are real foods, not just salad! Raw veggies and greens require little preparation and, like fruit, these wonderful, valuable foods will help prevent overeating. According to Proverbs 22:6 (“Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.”), training your children to “go the way” of adding raw veggies and greens to their diet means they won’t depart from eating these beneficial foods when they grow up. When your baby’s old enough for solid food (consult your doctor), introduce your child these real Genesis 1:29 foods—fresh, ripe, colorful, delicious vegetables and greens. As your child grows older, make sure you go shopping together and always have plenty of fresh vegetables and greens on hand.
What Are Your Choices?
Here are just a few choices: carrots, tomatoes, celery, spinach, romaine lettuce, kale, Swiss chard, broccoli, cabbage, onions, sprouts, and squash. At first don’t mix the vegetables and greens; prepare and serve one at a time. Make sure you thoroughly wash the vegetables and greens. Preferably, they should be organic, but if not, that’s okay. Then simply process with a food processor, making sure there are no large chunks remaining. The consistency needs to be the same as the baby food you’d buy at the store. And please don’t add salad dressing to any vegetable. Your child will thank you for that decision as he or she gets older. At first give your baby about a half a teaspoon of this real food per meal and then increase as he/she asks. And your baby will ask! Don’t force your baby to eat unless he/she is hungry. Your baby will also let you know when he/she has had enough. God gave us the gift of hunger to make sure we wouldn’t starve to death!
Why Stop with Fruits and Vegetables?
Don’t stop now! Let’s add two other Genesis 1:29 foods—SEEDS and NUTS.
For all the same reasons, when your doctor says your baby is ready to eat raw seeds and nuts (usually after 1 year), follow the same process you did for preparing, serving, and eating raw fruits and vegetables.
What about Cooked Food?
It’s great to have cooked veggies, but they should be limited to around 50% of your child’s diet. The healthiest way to cook vegetables is to steam them lightly.
What about Animal Foods?
On one of the Dr. Oz shows, Dr. Joel Fuhrman, M.D. appeared as a guest. He’s a board-certified family physician and nutritional researcher who specializes in preventing and reversing disease through nutritional and natural methods. He shared with Dr. Oz and the audience the results of a study in which 6,000 people ages 50 to 65 ate a high or low protein diet. Those on the high protein diet had a 74% increase overall in mortality compared to those in the low protein group. The meat lovers also had a four-fold increased risk of dying from cancer during the study’s eighteen-year follow up. However, the risk was only seen in those who consumed protein from animal sources such as meat, eggs and cheese; the link disappeared if the protein came from plants. Study participants of any age who ate a high-protein diet had a five-fold increased risk of dying from diabetes.
Now this doesn’t mean one can’t or shouldn’t eat animal foods. That choice is up to the individual. Dr. Fuhrman’s suggestion was to limit animal protein to 10% or less of the total amount of food eaten per day.
So if you decide to include animal foods in your child’s diet, please keep the amount to a minimum—10% or less. Dr. Fuhrman said instead of worrying about carbs, protein and fats, just “train up” your child to love to eat the whole plant foods that God told us about in Genesis 1:29. If your child’s diet mostly consists of those real plant foods, good health will naturally follow.
We trained Jon to “go the way” of Genesis 1:29 at an early age. Today on occasion he does eat some animal foods, but it’s very limited. I believe that’s the reason he doesn’t get sick, not even with a cold. God indeed answered our prayer because Jon has a very healthy life style, and as a result, he and his family enjoy excellent health. This can happen in your child’s life, too.
Step Three from Letter/Lesson #5 Plan Also Bears Repeating
Introduce your baby to the word “chewing” even before he or she has teeth.
Talk to your baby and get the idea deep into his/her spirit that chewing is fun and vitally important. Play “chew-chew” with your baby by showing him/her how to chew, letting him/her see you chew the same food that you’re giving him/her. Your baby will giggle and soon start to mimic your actions. Train your child to “go the way” of chewing food thoroughly. This training will undoubtedly help when your child eats counterfeit/fast foods, too. This chewing process works similar to breastfeeding in the sense you’ll be training your baby to work for his/her food by chewing. Then the food will be well broken down before it reaches the stomach, making digestion so much better and more efficient. Just like breast milk, the food at first is very thin, then becomes richer as it’s chewed thoroughly and finally swallowed.
Remember “Picture This” in Letter/Lesson #5?
I asked you to picture a possible day in the life of your teenage daughter (or son). In that scenario, your daughter chose to eat fresh fruit for breakfast, took some to school, and had a conversation with a friend about eating fruit. Now go ahead and advance the picture/possibility by envisioning your daughter or son adding some raw vegetables or greens, nuts or seeds to go with the fruit. Trust me, your child will never be teased by classmates about those wise choices.
Train Your Baby
Train your baby to “go the way” of eating the real foods of Genesis 1:29—fresh fruits, raw vegetables, greens, seeds, nuts—and of drinking real water. Combine that training with the practice of daily physical and spiritual exercise. The entire program will stick like glue; it will be programmed into your children’s thinking, their choices and behavior, and will become a permanent part of your children’s lives as they grow. Your children will most assuredly be blessed for a lifetime with slim, attractive, healthy bodies and well-focused, balanced, healthy minds. Praise God!
The Reason
In the beginning of Letter/Lesson #5 I said I believed that at the end of these letter/lessons your eyes would be filled with tears of joy (now I’d like to think your heart is overflowing, too) because you’ll know that you know that you know your baby will never have to struggle and fight the horrible, almost insurmountable weight battle that confronts most Americans today! Praise God some more! God answered my “waiting room prayer;” our son Jon adopted a healthy lifestyle. Through prayer and faith I believe the same for your child.
Two Extra, Wonderful Blessings
One of the extra blessings children receive by including Genesis 1:29 foods in their diets is the prevention of eating disorders. In the desperate struggle to lose and maintain proper weight, children and especially teens can overcompensate about what they eat and don’t eat, and there can be terrible consequences. With the worlds of advertisement and entertainment dictating what teens think they should look like, the total results can be devastating.
The second extra blessing may sound a little gross, but it’s a huge blessing for any new mother, or father, or anyone else taking care of a baby. When the baby’s diaper is changed, the odor will not be foul like the smell created after a baby’s been fed commercial baby foods. What does that tell you?
Moving On to the Next Letter/Lesson
In the next letter/lesson I’m going to share an exciting, true story with you that dramatically proves the power of Genesis 1:29 foods. It’s a personal account in which a very busy doctor stopped his schedule for an entire hour (while patients were impatiently waiting) and demanded an answer to his question to me, “What did you do?” And he wanted every detail!
Until then, please email me at [email protected] with any questions, comments, thoughts, or suggestions you may have.
God bless,
Paw Paw
P.S. You may want to print this and future letter/lessons to form your own “Tomorrow’s Heroes Library” for you and your family. Beyond this, you may want to consider adding your personal notes, thoughts, and insights to customize this program to fit your family.
© 2022 Tomorrow’s Heroes
All rights reserved.
Edited by DC
Unless otherwise indicated, Scriptures quotations are from
the New King James Version.