About Paw Paw
For over 25 years I’ve been in sales management for several Christian publishing companies. The most recent was Cook Communications Ministries located in Colorado Springs, Colorado. This company has no ties to any particular denomination, so all types of people from different faiths buy from the company and are blessed by its products.
For 125 years the company was known as David C. Cook Ministries. The name change better reflected what the company had evolved to. I was National Sales Manager, responsible for the Trade Division. This division publishes and produces all types of children’s books and toys designed to teach Christian values, including a brand of products called “Faith Kids.” Another brand, called “Faith Parenting,” produces items that help families raise responsible, God-loving children. Chances are pretty good that either you or someone you know has been blessed by some of these products.
After much prayer, I was led to leave Cook and form Tomorrow’s Heroes. My family’s been blessed too much not to try to give other families some of the concepts and methods that have been such blessings to us.